Training Needs for the UK Further Education Sector

Training Needs for the UK Further Education Sector

The vocational skills and knowledge cultivated within the Further Education (FE) sector are instrumental in developing a competent national workforce and enhancing national productivity and competitiveness. As the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) identifies in its report, Training Needs in the Further Education Sector, the quality of teaching staff and institutional management within the FE sector is critical for maintaining high educational standards. However, the sector has faced persistent challenges in ensuring that training meets current needs and adapts to future demands.

Current Training Landscape

The ETF’s comprehensive survey and in-depth interviews with 481 training providers and 2,366 individuals working in the FE sector provide a detailed picture of the current training environment. Approximately 90% of providers offer training to their staff, and 92% of the workforce has engaged in some form of professional development in the past year. This is significantly higher than the national average across all sectors, which is 63%​​.

The average amount of training received over the past year was approximately 44 hours, distributed across nine training sessions per individual. This level of engagement indicates a robust culture of continuous professional development within the sector. However, while participation rates are high, there are notable discrepancies in the adequacy and effectiveness of the training provided. Key findings indicate that while most providers consider their training budgets sufficient, around a quarter do not. Furthermore, while nine out of ten providers believe that their recent training met most or all of their needs, substantial gaps remain. These gaps primarily relate to leadership and management skills, teaching maths and English, and using digital technologies in educational programmes​​.

Challenges and Barriers

The FE sector faces several significant barriers to effective training. Shortfalls in funding and time pressures are recurrent issues that limit staff’s ability to participate in training. Many providers report that while they have systems for identifying training needs and planning, assessing training outcomes and benefits is less robust, with only about two-thirds of organisations having formal evaluation systems​​.

Moreover, a substantial proportion of FE staff report that some of their training is of limited value, describing it as ‘tick box’ training to satisfy regulatory requirements rather than addressing genuine professional development needs. Over a third of survey respondents also felt that certain training programmes did not significantly enhance their skills​​.

Target Groups and Training Types

The research examined who receives training within the FE sector and found that training is generally well-distributed across different roles. However, certain groups, such as governance members and support staff, tend to receive less training than others. Governance members who participate in training often receive more substantial training, both in terms of hours and the number of sessions, compared to other staff groups. Support staff, including teaching assistants and administrative workers, typically receive fewer hours of training​​.

Various training types are employed within the sector, including day-long training sessions, conferences, workshops, online courses, and on-the-job training. The most common training areas are teaching and classroom competencies, leadership and management skills, and subject-specific knowledge, particularly in maths and English. The use of digital and new technologies in teaching is also a significant focus area​​.

Effectiveness and Quality of Training

While most providers feel their training budgets are adequate, around 25% do not. Additionally, some gaps in training provision have been identified, particularly in leadership and management, maths and English teaching, and digital competencies. From the individual perspective, although participation in training is high, a notable proportion of staff feel that the training they receive is not always relevant or valuable. About one-third of respondents viewed some training as fulfilling formal requirements rather than genuinely beneficial​​.

Factors such as the duration of the training, whether it leads to formal qualifications, and whether it is externally provided further influence its quality and effectiveness. Training that no longer leads to a recognised qualification and is provided by external organisations tends to be viewed as more valuable by staff​​.

Future Training Needs

Looking forward, the FE sector must address both the evolving needs of the workforce and the changing landscape of national education policies. Key drivers for future training include ensuring organisational performance, adapting staff to new roles, and aligning with national apprenticeship reforms. Notably, there is a strong demand for training that utilises technology, such as online and distance learning platforms​​.

Specific training priorities highlighted for the future encompass:

  1. Leadership and Management Skills: Essential for navigating the complexities of modern educational environments and driving institutional success.
  2. Maths and English Teaching Competence: Critical areas that require enhanced focus to improve educational outcomes.
  3. Digital Literacy: As technology becomes increasingly integral to education, proficiency in digital tools and methodologies is paramount.
  4. Professional Qualifications: There is a notable demand for higher-level qualifications such as PGCE and Diplomas in Education and Training (DET), which are valuable for career progression and skill enhancement​​.

Institutional Perspectives and Recommendations

Institutions within the FE sector broadly recognise the need for continuous improvement in training practices. Maintaining and enhancing performance standards is the most frequently cited driver for training, specifically aligning training programmes with organisational goals and the broader demands of local economies and national policies​​.

Recommendations for addressing the current and future training needs of the FE sector include:

  • Enhanced Funding: Increasing the budget allocations for training to ensure comprehensive coverage of all necessary skill areas.
  • Flexible Training Delivery: Implementing more flexible training solutions, such as e-learning and modular courses, to accommodate staff’s time constraints.
  • Robust Evaluation Systems: Developing more rigorous systems for assessing the outcomes and benefits of training programmes to ensure they meet the desired objectives.
  • Focus on Core Competencies: Prioritising training in leadership, management, maths, English, and digital skills to address the most pressing gaps identified by institutions and individuals​​.


In conclusion, while the FE sector in the UK demonstrates a strong commitment to staff training and development, significant challenges remain in ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of these programmes. Addressing these issues through targeted funding, flexible delivery methods, and robust evaluation will be essential for meeting the sector’s evolving needs and contributing to national productivity and competitiveness.

The FE sector must continue to adapt and innovate in its training approaches, engage with technology, and align closely with policy developments to ensure it can meet the future demands of education and the workforce. Only through a concerted effort to enhance training can the sector ensure that it remains a pivotal part of the UK’s educational landscape and economic future.


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