6 Principles of Curriculum Planning for Apprenticeships

6 Principles of Curriculum Planning for Apprenticeships

Designing an effective apprenticeship curriculum involves a strategic approach that ensures apprentices gain the necessary skills and knowledge to flourish in their chosen fields. Drawing inspiration from the principles discussed by Matt Bromley for school curriculums, we can see these principles are equally applicable to apprenticeship curriculum design. Here are six key principles to guide apprenticeship curriculum planning.

1. Agree on the Vision

A clear vision is the foundation of any curriculum. This vision should articulate the purpose and goals of the training programme. For apprenticeships, this involves identifying what is important in your delivery and the ultimate objectives of your training. The vision should focus on providing high-quality learning experiences that align with industry needs and standards. Engage stakeholders, including employers and trainers, to create a shared understanding of this vision.

For instance, if your apprenticeship programme is in IT, the vision might be to produce coders and innovators who can adapt to new technologies and methodologies. This vision informs the entire curriculum and ensures all stakeholders are aligned in their expectations and contributions.

2. Set the Destination

When setting the destination for apprenticeship programmes, there are two primary considerations: the End Point Assessment (EPA) and the broader development of the apprentice. The EPA outlines the specific knowledge, skills, and behaviours apprentices must demonstrate. However, beyond the EPA, it is essential to consider the apprentice’s overall value in the workplace. This includes preparing them for future career advancement and ensuring they are well-rounded individuals who can contribute meaningfully to their employers.

For example, an engineering apprenticeship should focus on passing the EPA and developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and effective teamwork. Employers value apprentices who can adapt and grow within their roles, so the curriculum should aim to produce such versatile individuals.

3. Assess the Starting Points

Understanding apprentices’ starting points is essential for tailoring the curriculum to meet their needs. Apprentices come with varying levels of prior knowledge and experience. Conduct thorough initial assessments to gauge their skills and knowledge, which will help design a personalised learning pathway. This approach ensures that the training is relevant and meets the individual needs of each apprentice, promoting effective learning and development.

For example, some apprentices might have prior experience in their field or related areas, while others might start from scratch. Tailoring the curriculum to account for these differences can involve offering advanced modules for those with more experience and foundational courses for beginners. This differentiation ensures that all apprentices progress and succeed regardless of their starting point.

4. Identify Waypoints

Waypoints are the milestones apprentices need to reach in their learning. These include the units, modules, courses, and assignments that make up the curriculum. Effective planning of these waypoints involves creating assessment plans that outline what learners need to know, why they need to know it, and how their progress will be measured. This structured approach ensures that apprentices receive a comprehensive and coherent learning experience, preparing them for the EPA and future careers.

For instance, in a hospitality apprenticeship, waypoints might include mastering customer service skills, understanding health and safety regulations, and gaining practical experience in a real-world setting. Each waypoint should be clearly defined, with specific learning outcomes and assessments to track progress. This helps apprentices and trainers monitor development and adjust the learning plan.

5. Define Excellence

Defining excellence involves setting high standards for both on-the-job and off-the-job training. High-quality training should be engaging, relevant, and tailored to the industry’s needs. With the increasing use of online learning platforms, ensuring these tools are fit for purpose and provide an excellent learning experience is paramount. This includes developing purposeful online materials and avoiding using repositories for documents and videos. Excellence also involves continuous collaboration with employers to ensure the training meets their expectations and the apprentices’ needs.

For example, excellence in a digital marketing apprenticeship might involve providing apprentices with access to the latest tools and platforms used in the industry, offering opportunities to work on real campaigns, and ensuring they receive feedback from experienced professionals. Regularly updating the curriculum to reflect industry changes and incorporating feedback from apprentices and employers can help maintain high standards.

6. Diminish Disadvantage

An inclusive curriculum ensures that all apprentices have access to the training and resources they need to succeed. This involves addressing barriers such as lack of access to technology or learning difficulties. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many providers adopted online learning, highlighting disparities in access to necessary resources. Ensuring that all apprentices can participate fully in the curriculum, regardless of their circumstances, is important for diminishing disadvantage. This principle also includes supporting apprentices with additional learning needs and those for whom English is a second language.

For instance, providing apprentices with laptops or internet access, offering dyslexia support, or providing materials in multiple languages can help ensure that all apprentices can benefit from the curriculum. Creating a supportive learning environment where apprentices feel comfortable seeking help can also reduce disadvantages.

Bringing It All Together

The success of an apprenticeship curriculum lies in meticulous planning and collaboration. Training providers can create robust and effective apprenticeship programmes by agreeing on a shared vision, setting clear destinations, assessing starting points, identifying waypoints, defining excellence, and diminishing disadvantages. The flexibility of apprenticeship standards offers an opportunity for innovation and tailoring the curriculum to meet the specific needs of employers and apprentices.

Practical Steps for Implementation

1. Establish a Curriculum Design Team: Assemble a team with diverse expertise, including sector-specific knowledge, curriculum design experience, and understanding of regulatory requirements. This team will drive the curriculum development process, ensuring it is comprehensive and meets industry standards.

2. Conduct Market Research: Engage with employers and industry stakeholders to understand the skills and knowledge required in the workforce. This research will inform the curriculum content and ensure it aligns with employer expectations and market needs.

3. Develop Initial Assessments: Create robust initial assessments to determine apprentices’ starting points. These assessments should cover technical skills and foundational knowledge, enabling personalised learning pathways.

4. Create Detailed Schemes of Work: Develop detailed schemes of work that outline the curriculum sequence, including specific learning objectives, teaching methods, and assessment strategies for each module. This planning ensures structured and coherent learning for apprentices.

5. Incorporate Employer Feedback: Regularly collaborate with employers to refine the curriculum. Their input ensures the training remains relevant and meets the evolving needs of the industry. This feedback loop is necessary for maintaining the curriculum’s quality and effectiveness.

6. Evaluate and Update the Curriculum: Implement a continuous evaluation process to assess the curriculum’s effectiveness. Use feedback from apprentices, trainers, and employers to make necessary adjustments. Regular updates ensure the curriculum stays current with industry developments and best practices.


Ultimately, well-planned and executed apprenticeship curricula benefit learners, providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their careers and supporting employers by delivering a competent and ready workforce. By following these six principles and taking practical steps to implement them, training providers can develop effective apprenticeship programmes that are responsive to modern workplace needs.


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